Wednesday, August 1, 2007

State Fair, Fun, Friends, and Lots of Laughter

Lol, I went to the state fair, with Jonah & Hubby and a friend of Jonah's. While we were there we were joined by 2 girl friends of mine. Any way, we were getting a funnel cake with lots of powdered sugar on it. My friends decided to have a powdered sugar fight, they got powdered sugar all over each other (clothes, hair, shoes). It was fun, I laughed and they laughed.

So then we went to wal-mart, and it was very late. My feet were hurting me, so my friend decided to have me drive one of the carts. They really don't move very fast. We got to the soda aisle. I needed some, so I got off of the cart and had to reach way back and pull one off the shelf. I knocked another 12 pack off of the shelf and onto the floor. Cans went everywhere. It was embarrassing, but also funny. I was laughing too hard, so my friend tried to clean it up. I tried to make a fast get away in my cart, but the battery went out. My friend push, pulled, and dragged that driving cart up to the front of the store. I was laughing way too hard. We get to the cashier aisle. The lady asks my friend what was going on, she procedes to tell her of our adventures, which is now making me laugh even harder. While I am laughing, she is buying her groceries. She drops her ice cream on the ground. A man hits me in the back with his T.V. ladden shopping cart. At least he didn't hurt me, but it sure made me laugh all the more. I am laughing even while writing this story. Lol, it was so funny!

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