Friday, June 22, 2007

So Tired . . .

Vacation Bible School was great. Lots of kids had a lot of fun. I had 2nd Grade Girls in my class. Now, I am so tired! I think I am over the doldrum feeling from not taking steroids any more. I still need to get an Epi Pen in case I get stung by any kind of stinging bee, hornet, or yellow jacket.


Dottie Stay said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. You are a hard worker, and I am sure that the kids had fun!

Dan & Duffy said...

Epi-pens are amazing, but a little scary. In First Aid class, we learned that you should always hold it the same way you hold a writing pen. Never hold your thumb over the end, because if you are accidentally holding it backwards when you jab yourself, the injection will go into your thumb - much, much more painful than injecting your thigh.